Management has always been a passion for you, and you want to know more about it? You've come to the right place. Discover the different forms of management in our article. Management in a few lines Generally defined as a set of techniques for organizing and managing companies, management also refers to techniques for organizing resources, whether material, financial or human, intended for the management and administration of an organization. Management can also be defined as the art of accompanying people to enable them to give the best of themselves for the good of the organization. The different forms of management There are several forms of management, but the most common and applied are authoritarian or directive management, paternalistic management, persuasive management, delegated or consultative management and participatory management. These four forms of management are respectively applied for very specific cases. Directional management is applied when there is a strong involvement of the manager. The latter will set the objectives without having to consult the opinion of his subordinates and is often feared. But even with such authoritarian management, the manager will always be analyzing the needs of his subordinates in order to avoid all kinds of conflicts that could hinder the achievement of the work. The advantage of this form of management is that it is effective. There is, however, a risk of demotivation of subordinates, which can lead to potential conflict within the team. Delegated management is more results-oriented and gives subordinates the opportunity to take responsibility for achieving objectives. It does, however, involve additional pressure that could always demotivate subordinates. The positive side is that it allows for better communication within the group. Persuasive management takes the subordinates' opinions into account, although the decision rests entirely with the manager. This form of management confers a sense of cohesion while it can be quite costly and difficult to implement. The paternalistic type of management, on the other hand, shows kindness towards other employees and serves to develop a sense of belonging. The participative type of management, as indicated, gives employees a free hand in decision-making while strengthening their cohesion. Unfortunately, this form of management can lead to disorganization. What are the objectives of management? Management focuses on the sustainability of the company, its proper functioning and its development. The coherence between the different functions of the company must also be ensured and choices will be made based on the principle of management.